Monday, August 30, 2004

Listen up!

This is very funny and sad at the same proves that ignorance is not bliss, but a handicap.
Click here to listen.


Anonymous said...

It is painful to listen to people who are so clueless. It reminds me of the Jay Leno show when he would walk down the street and they would know how bizarre details of some celebrities' life and then be asked, "Who is the Vice President of the United States" and they don't have a clue. It strikes me as really sad!

Anonymous said...

Hannity was ruthless. Funny, but ruthless, nonetheless.

RobertDWood said...

Were those the protesors, or just random people?

Hannity isen't ruthless, just lets ignorant people hang themselves.

RobertDWood said...

But if they had the slightest idea what was going on in the world, they would know Dick Cheny is vice president, John Kerry is the Dems canidate, and John Edwards is the running mate.

Anonymous said...

Not everyone keeps up to date with politics. I can speak for myself. I am trying to get into it, though. I think this interview with Sean Hannity is very explanatory, as many people don't have a clue of what is going on.

Anonymous said...

I agree that it is painful to listen to so many (like the two in this clip) that don't know what is going on. How can we let these ignorant people vote? What if they vote for someone (like Kerry) who they don't know a nut about, just to vote? And then that one vote, piled among other ignorant people's votes, wins Kerry as the next US President? That would put America through torture for the next 4 years of our history, unless 'impeachment' takes place.

Anonymous said...

Yes! Hearing the ignorance is painful. I have heard of people saying they'd vote for Hillary Clinton in the next election because she was a woman and they "felt sorry for her"! Come on! The reason we have the right to vote is so that we can have a say in the government of our country. But how can we be heard when we are muffled by the voices of the people who HAVE NO IDEA WHAT THEY ARE TALKING ABOUT?

RobertDWood said...

Thats why we need Condi to run...

But it is their responsablity to keep track of the current world situation. Voting is a responsability.