Monday, September 13, 2004

So this is what they mean by 'Evolution'

In the Hindu nation of India, monkeys are the terrorists of the residental neighborhoods.
The government is finally responding to this attack, and put the monkeys in their place...


Anonymous said...


It missed the address...

Anonymous said...

That is terrible. It is sad how animal abuse is so widely accepted across the globe. Its criminal to lock up any animal in a prison cell! They were meant to be free! Besides, being locked up cannot possibly do anything good for their health.

RobertDWood said...

They are attacking the humans!!!!!!

I can't belive ya'll... Worried about animals being put in an uncomfortable postition when a childs life could be in danger...

Anonymous said...

You are talking like you think a child is more important than a monkey. Everyone is created equal, including monkeys.

Anonymous said...

The declaration of indipendace states:

All MEN were created eaqual, with certain unalinable rights...

Now, why the sithpawn does a monkey have rights that allow it to run free through the streets, steal purses, eating food, and laying waste in the street? It's an animal, it would have been shot anywere else!

Anonymous said...

Whatever. Monkeys still shouldn't be caged like that. How would you like it if you were forced to live in a cage without knowing why? Its not as though the monkeys knew they were doing anything wrong.

RobertDWood said...

The monkeys shouldn't have been there anyways.

It isen't any worse then most zoos anyways