Tuesday, November 07, 2006

President Speech at Reunion Arena

Last night, I had the great privlage of hearing President George W. Bush speak, live, at Reunion arena. For those of you who couldn't make it, yet would like to watch/hear it, I took video. Its rather shaky because I was zoomed in 120x, but you should be able to hear it.

I'm going to remember a few things frm the rally last night.
1. The absolute roar of the crowd when Rick Perry walked in to the arena, and then the deafening, incredibly loud cheer that lasted for quite a while when W came in.
2. Texas is the best state in the Union.
3. The worlds largest phone bank. (more on that later)
4. Texas is the greatest state in the Union.
5. Bush has returned to the base: Tax Cuts and the War on Terror. He was pushing the economy, the tax cuts, the patriot act, and the central battle ground in this current fight, Iraq. We are going to stay the course, we will not waver.

Video may be coming later, YouTube is acting like a cranky old Jawa this morning. Yegads, that was awful... *re-rendering*


TheEarthCanBeMoved said...

Email that to me.

As for #4...

RobertDWood said...

Email the vid? I'm having to re-render it, because it's a huge file. 48 minutes long, but it was a great speech. The coolest thing was he wasn't wearing a suit, just a long sleeve shirt with the sleeves rolled up. He liked it back in Texas. :D