Monday, November 15, 2010

Dave Barry on Flight Screening

Is worth a laugh. 

Although, the reality of it is far from laughable, sometimes humor is the best way into the hearts and minds of a listless populace.

"The people ahead of me were allowed to go after being scanned, but I was not. I was pulled aside and told to stand in a small roped-off area. After I had stood there for several minutes, I asked a passing TSA person what was happening. He said, quote, "You have a blurred groin."
"I have a what?" I said.
"A blurred groin," he said. And then he walked away.
I tried to sneak a peek at my groin, but this is not easy to do inconspicuously when you are confined to a small roped-off area with many people around...." Link 

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