Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Erosion of Reason and Law

Where the law was formerly a bulwark for the rights of citizens, it has been turned into a malignant potion sanctioning assault and battery based on the beauty of cultural acceptance and acquiescence to religious law.

National Review posts the transcript from Penn:Well, having had the benefit of having spent over two-and-a-half years in a predominantly Muslim country, I think I know a little bit about the faith of Islam. In fact, I have a copy of the Koran here, and I would challenge you, sir, to show me where it says in the Koran that Mohammed arose and walked among the dead.

I am confident this will be a decision that will be overturned, but it sets a nasty precedent. 


Gino said...

yer right on this one.

but still, the mocker was doing what he did to piss somebody off (i'm ok with that). he got it. (and i'm even more ok with that).

sometimes we need to be careful what we ask for.

RobertDWood said...

Maybe, but his friend dressed as a Zombie Pope was not assaulted.