Thursday, April 26, 2012

Spam Mashubi

From Gino.

Worth reading in its entirety, but this section alone filled me with amusement:
"One can of Spam. Just regular 'classic' Spam. Don't waste your time on the various varieties of less-unhealthy, more-spicy, or fowl-derived Spam. Those ain't Spam. This recipe calls for Spam. The Real Thing. Just get Spam, OK?"


Gino said...

thank you.

Sra. Madera said...

I ate it growing up so I never ate it as an adult or feed it to my kids. Just like bologna. Garbage is garbage no matter how much you dress it up.

Gino said...

i'm italian and i never ate bolonga growing up. we had the good stuff.
(i was in my 20s before i ever ate it.)

it allows me to appreciate the 'other' lesser stuff every now and then, too.

food snobbery is not my forte. sorry.
well, actually, i'm not.