Friday, March 11, 2005

Michael Schiavo rejects $1 million

WorldNetDaily: Michael Schiavo rejects $1 million

I think that offering the money is a bad idea. The first thought that popped into my mind was "selling a life" or slavery. The more I thought about it, it seemed like it was placing a dollar amount on a life, which should not be done. Overall a bad idea, but I am open for convincing.


Anonymous said...

I am sure it was an effort to see if he could be swayed by money to walk away from this. You kind of can't blame them for trying, as the fear is this case will set a precedent.

RobertDWood said...

It sounds like a good idea. Some rich guy comes along and saves the day. However, when you look at it more, it appears like he is buying a life. Thats what slavery was, buying a human and basically controlling their life, and choosing when to end it. It also puts a monetary value on life, and the amount offered seems incredibly insignificant compared to the value of life.

RobertDWood said...

Ugh. Stab of guilt.

But legally, she is in Micheal's custody, and is at his (cruel) mercy.