Since that time, a lot has happened, so I'll hit the highlights.
My youth group went to Durango Colorado, and more specifically Fort Lewis College, for a 'camp' of sorts. In the mornings and evenings, worship with more the 1500 Christians and some preaching. In the middle, serving in the community at Senior's homes, which was already set up for us. At night, our group would get together, have a bible study and prayer time.
I love this camp, and it'll be my last year. If you're a youth, I would recommend this, at least just once during your youth. It's pretty impressive seeing how many other worship the name of Jesus.
Back Home
So after 2 more days on the road, we arrived back at home. An old friend who moved away was in town, work had hours for me, and the Dark Knight arrived, as well as a 'Institute for Basic Life Principles' conference every evening.
Before I realized what was happening, it was time to pack for the trip to Reynosa Mexico.
Mexico/San Antonio
This was my 5th trip to Reynosa on a missions expedition, and by this point I always bring my towel. (Head nod to Douglas Adams)
Our location was a little different. Previously, we stayed in a house and cooked our own food for the team. For the past 9 years, this was effective, but the house was finally sold. We discovered a Methodist Missions camp that is closer to our op site, and they cook for us.
That's an improvement, and there was more room. So good change.
The work team I was apart of was hanging ceilings in a side building, and that would last until 4ish in the afternoon.
In the evenings, our whole group would return and have a service with the 'Prince of Peace' Igelsia (church) we serve, and the guys would go play soccer and then have a testimony at night. I played soccer. :D
Unfortunately, we fled across the border on tuesday night due to Hurricane Dolly. Rather then become stuck in the mud, we stayed in Pharr, Tx until about 11am on Wednesday, and then returned home. To a couple of other people and myself, who wanted to stay and help, this was not our preferred action. But God works things out, and we were let off the caravan in San Antonio, where we joined up with the Salvation Army and helped them service the first responders as tornadoes touched down across the city. The next day, they headed south for the hurricane relief, but paying for our transportation was outside the budget, so we went back north for home on a bus.
Sadly, my camera is busted. I had the brilliant idea of having a 6 year old Mexican child run with it and take pictures, he was pushed by an older kid, and it broke. Eh.
And the past 5 days, my Internet has been extremely cantankerous, and would not load .blogspot or .blogger domains. But we're back, and if you're reading this, thanks for sticking around!
(Dark Knight review will be forthcoming)
Welcome home, PB. You were missed. Sounds like you had an awesome time, and came through the tropical weather without stepping on any cottonmouths. :O
You're home just in time to see a very rare sports commentary I just posted over at my blog. About the Packers situation. I am now heading to my fallout shelter before you read it!
Thanks Joel.
I've been trying to ignore this whole Favre debacle for the past month... and it's worked until now, when I get home and back into news rythm.
Now even you've jumped into the fray...
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