Monday, October 09, 2017

Book List 2017

(Bold denotes Highly Recommended)
John C. Wright: The Judge of Ages
John C. Wright: The Architect of Aeons
John C. Wright: The Vindication of Man
John Bunyan: The Pilgrims Progress
Jerry Pournelle: There Will Be War Vol 1
Jerry Pournelle: There Will Be War Vol II
Douglas Adams: So Long and Thank's for All the Fish

Non Fiction
David the Good: Grow or Die: The Good Guide to Survival Gardening
Carl Sandburg: Abraham Lincoln: The Prairie Years
Carl Sandburg: Abraham Lincoln: The War Years
Timoty Egan: The Immortal Irishman: The Irish revolutionary who became an American hero
G K Chesterton: The Everlasting Man
LawDog: The LawDog Files
David Grossman: On Killing: The Psychological Cost of Learning to Kill in War and Society
Dr. Joseph Alton: The Survival Medicine Handbook: THE essential guide for when medical help is NOT on the way
Paul Tough: How Children Succeed: Grit, curiosity and the hidden power of character
Steven Kotler & James Wheal: Stealing Fire: How silicon valley, the Navy SEALS, and maverick scientists are revolutionizing the way we think
Samuel L. Bray & John F. Hobbins: Genesis 1-11: A New Old Translation for Readers, Scholars, and Translators

Charles Swindoll: A Life Well Lived
Dallas Willard: The Divine Conspiracy
Timothy Keller: Every Good Endeavor: Connecting your work to God’s work
Timothy Keller: King’s Cross: The Story of the World in the life of Jesus
Kevin Lehman: Sheet Music: Uncovering the secrets of sexual intimacy in marriage
Roger Connors: The Oz Principle: Getting Results Through Individual and Organizational Accountability
Dr. Michael S. Heiser:  Supernatural: What the Bible Teaches About the Unseen World - and Why It Matters
Todd Wagner: Come & See
Phillip Keller: A Shepherd looks at Psalm 23

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