Tuesday, May 08, 2018

Book List 2018

(Bold denotes highly recommended)
John C Wright: Count to Infinity
Anthony Marchetta: Tales of the Once and Future King
Jerry Pournelle: There Will be War Volume X
John C Wright: Superluminary: Lords of Creation
John Steinbeck: Travels with Charley
T. H. White: The Once and Future King
John C Wright: Superluminary: The Space Vampires
Owen Stanley: The Missionaries
John C Wright: Superliminary: The World Armada
Greg Pak: Planet Hulk
John Stuart: Raise a Holler
Robert Heinlein: Farnham's Freehold
Joseph P. Simon: Resurrected Soldier
Walt Simonson: The Mighty Thor: Vol 1
Jane Austin: Pride & Prejudice
H. G. Wells: The Food of the Gods and How it Came to Earth

Eric Metaxas: Martin Luther: The Man who Rediscovered God and Changed the World
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: The Black Swan: The Impact of the Highly Improbable
G. K. Chesterton: What I learned in America
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Antifragile: Things that Gain from Disorder
Sir William Ramsey: Was Christ Born at Bethlehem?
David Cressy: Bonfires and Bells: National Memory and the Protestant Calendar in Elizabethan and Stuart England
J. B. Bury: A History of Freedom of Thought
Maxi'diwiac & Gilbert Livingstone Wilson: Buffalo Bird Woman's Garden
Nassim Nicholas Taleb: Fooled By Randomness
Steve Hughes: The Homebuilt Winery
Jeff Cox: From Vines to Wines
Thomas Cahill: The Gifts of the Jews
N. T. Wright: Paul: A Biography
Ralph Korngold: Thaddeus Stevens: A Being Darkly Wise and Rudely Great
Thomas Cahill: The Desire of the Everlasting Hills: The World Before and After Jesus
J.R.R. Tolkien and Christopher Tolkien: Beowulf: A Translation and Commentary
Martha Stout: The Sociopath Next Door
Douglas Preston: The Lost City of the Monkey God: A True Story

Plan B Writers Alliance: Locusts on the Horizon
Timothy Keller: Romans 1-7 For You
Michael Heiser: Reversing Hermon: Enoch, the Watchers, and the Forgotten Mission of Jesus Christ
Jordan B Peterson: 12 Rules for Life: An Antidote to Chaos
Timothy Keller: Prayer
Bob Clagett: Making Time
Steven Corbett & Brian Fikkert: When Helping Hurts
C. R. Hallpike: Do We Need God to Be Good?
Timothy Keller: Romans 8-16 For You
Grant Cunningham: Prepping for Life: A Balanced Approach to Personal Security

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