Monday, June 06, 2005

Blair gives up on his EU dream

Telegraph | News

The article starts about Blair, but spreads to other arenas.

There is something seriously wrong with the European Union. This infighting didn't just popup over night, it most definatly has been simmering under the surface, sweept under the rug. Now, you have Britan being able to laugh at all the EU countries becasue they didn't join with the Euro. France, Germany and Italy both are considering withdrawling, claiming it would be better for their economy to do so.

""But either it is reformed, and the central European Bank kick-starts growth by lowering interest rates and pursuing a more American-style monetary policy, or the euro will explode in mid-air.""

Hehehe.. After all these years of snubing the US, look at what they look to to save them. The American way of economic development.

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