Saturday, December 10, 2005

Chinese protestors shot, Martial Law in provence.

Chinese Villagers Describe Police Siege - Yahoo! News:
"BEIJING - Residents of a southern Chinese village near Hong Kong where police opened fire on demonstrators described a tense standoff in the area on Saturday with thousands of armed troops patrolling the perimeter and blocking anyone from leaving. Frightened villagers said they were either hunkering down at home or arguing with police who are refusing to return the dead to their families.

Residents said police opened fire on a crowd of thousands protesting against inadequate compensation offered by the government for land to be used for a new wind power plant. Up to 20 were killed, villagers said, while some said dozens more were missing.

The clash in Dongzhou also marked an escalation in social protests that have convulsed the Chinese countryside over land seizures for factories, power plants, shopping malls and other projects. Farmers often say they are paid too little and some accuse officials of stealing compensation money."

And so you have the totalitarian Upper class against the poorer then dirt lower class. Guess who wins?


Matthew Celestine said...

The People's Republic of China.


RobertDWood said...

Yes. Communism in everything but name. The Republic is a facade.

Matthew Celestine said...


Have you read 'Marx and Satan' by Richrad Wurmbrand? The tortured Romanian pastor argued that Marx was satanically inspired and may have been a Satanist.