Tuesday, June 13, 2006

English please- illegal???

"The U.S. government seized thousands of classified Iraqi government papers when Saddam's regime was toppled, and Washington recently released a trove of these documents on the Pentagon's Foreign Military Studies Office Web site.

The documents, many in Arabic and with no accompanying translation, provide multiple insights into events inside pre-war Iraq. The dossier, however, is huge and disorganized. Digging out its secrets is a laborious task — one that the U.S. government decided to leave to others.
Geno's owner Joey Vento, the grandson of Italian immigrants, said he has no plans to remove the sign.
"I don't see why I should have to. It's freedom of speech," said Vento...
He said no one is refused service and no one is discriminated against. The sign, which has been displayed for about six months, is meant to encourage immigrants to learn English, he said.
"If you don't speak English, the sign means nothing,""

I think this is pretty self obvious. The guy wants to run his buisness in english, and thats a great way to garner some buisness. So some criminals take offense because they just have to eat there, it is compleatly impossible to go anywhere else. So, they whine to the city, and some other group of busybodies and crime lovers comes to slap the man with a fine.
This is so stupid.


Matthew Celestine said...

That would probably happen over here too.

RobertDWood said...

Shame. I doubt you've got a hispanic illegal immigrant problem though.

Matthew Celestine said...

We have illegal immigrants from Albania, Africa, China the middle east, Afghanistan, Turkey- you name it.

RobertDWood said...

And ya'll have an ocean between them and you...
They come in on cargo ships?

Matthew Celestine said...

Cargo ships, crossing the channel tunnel and planes. They find ways. Some are refugees who refuse to go when they are refused asylum.

God Bless


RobertDWood said...

Yeah, refusing to leave seems to be a problem here too. I guess its to hard to acctually take them to the border when we deport them.