Saturday, August 11, 2007

Perspective on Iraq

Approx. number of US murder victims in 2005:
16,500 (cite)

Approx. number of US highway fatalities in 2005:
43, 443 (cite)

Approx. number of US abortions in 2003:
1, 287,000 (cite)

Number of United States Soldiers Killed in Iraq from 2002-2007:
3,683 (cite)


Matthew Celestine said...

Good point.

Gino said...

so we need to stop the war, but keep abortion at the ready.


RobertDWood said...

Matt, thanks.

Gino, disgusting indeed.

BTW, I forgot to mention this in the post: I'm away from home on a road trip,(Chicago, St. Louis, Kansas City...) and I'm not at all sure when my next internet connection will be.

It should be every few days, but I won't know till I get a wi-fi hotspot.

Kingdom Advancer said...

You can put a lot of things in perspective with abortion, including Iraq, Darfur, and 9/11.

I wrote a post about it, titled "The Politics of Death Quiz":

Guitarman said...

Those are some great numbers you've posted. I keep saying (without knowing for sure) that more people have murdered in either Detroit or L.A. every year than in Iraq.