The X-men
franchise has been a mixed bag at the movies. Financially they have done more then paid the dues. To most audiences they have been solid additions to the expanding array of superhero movies. To X-men fans they have been a bittersweet creation. Movies redefine a franchise in the eye of the public and alter the story. Most injuriously to X-Men fans has been the overwhelming focus on Wolverine
(played expertly by Hugh Jackman) to the detriment of almost all other characters, not the least of which was Prof. X and Magneto. The interplay between Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr is one of the more enduring story lines in fiction. Xavier can read minds, Magneto can block his mind. Magneto controls the metal surrounding him at will, Xavier can control and aide those surrounding him. Magneto seeks to dominate mankind with those who are mutant, Xavier seeks to have equal station with those he lives amongst.
Fortunately there is a rich legacy of stories and characters to draw into these movies. I feel this X-Men: First class movie finally captures what an X-Men movie can be. The struggle for each individual to determine who they want to become. The petty pretenses of a government attempting to govern that which is ungovernable. The diverse interactions between characters. The conflicts of motivations finding its penultimate display in the chess matches on the board of nations between Xavier and Magneto.
This movie has it all, and its marvelous. At this point I cannot summon to mind more then 3 movies of this genre I enjoyed as much, or more. (Fantastic Four
(I loved it, so deal with it), Ironman
, and The Dark Knight
) The camera work did an excellent job mimicking the style of a comic book, even going so far as to have the screen split into separate, defined panels as various characters undertook different actions. Please make no mistake, this is not a movie for kids, as the director felt the need to push his PG-13 rating to the brink through the use of a well timed Wolverine cameo, as well as the persistent use of female skin to direct attention on the screen. But it never goes beyond that, which I was pleased to find by the end of the movie.
This blogger is rambling.This movie does not.
7 of 10, I'll netflix the Blu-Ray for sure.
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