Monday, July 31, 2006

Guantanamo Bay a Haven for Abuse

Story: "

The prisoners held at Guantanamo Bay during the war on terror have attacked their military guards hundreds of times, turning broken toilet parts, utensils, radios and even a blo

ody lizard tail into makeshift weapons, Pentagon reports say.

Incident reports reviewed by The Associated Press indicate Military Police guards are routinely head-butted, spat upon and doused by "cocktails" of feces, urine, vomit and sperm collected in meal cups by the prisoners.

They've been repeatedly grabbed, punched or assaulted by prisoners who reach through the small "bean holes" used to deliver food and blankets through cell doors, the reports say. Serious assaults requiring medical attention, however, are rare, the reports indicate.

The detainee "reached under the face mask of an IRF (Initial Reaction Force) team member's helmet and scratched his face, attempting to gouge his eyes," states a May 27, 2005, report on an effort to remove a recalcitrant prisoner from his cell.

"The IRF team member received scratches to his face and eye socket area," the report said."

Good grief.. Why do we put up with these scum? Bread and water, not MREs is what they should be eating. And then take the Quaran, and other religious accompaniements away. There is no reason US soldiers should have to put up with this.


Mercy Now said...

Those prisoners should have been taken to other nations like Egypt, Morocco, etc. Then we wouldn't have to deal with all this mess as well as well as lawyers from Britain and Saudi Arabia. There was a story that one of the prisoners we released is now leading a group in Afghanistan fighting us.

RobertDWood said...

Just like he was fighting us before...

I say we adminster justice as they would. Like Iran.

They're not US citizens, and they are explicitly not included in the Geneva convention, which incedentally, the US is not a part of.