Monday, August 29, 2005

Ambassador Bolton’s Very Exclusive Reception

Arianna - Yahoo! News:

"So John Bolton had a reception at the U.N. ambassador's private residence in the penthouse at the Waldorf Astoria last night. The Washington Times, Fox News, and various other conservatives were invited, but some of the people who weren't included Colum Lynch from the Washington Post and Warren Hoge from the New York Times, both of whom cover the U.N. for their respective papers. If you thought the Bush administration’s cowardice about facing anyone not completely on board was confined to Crawford and the campaign trail, think again."

Good idea, Bolton. Wonder why the rest of the politicians don't do this. Why invite an enemy behind your lines?


RobertDWood said...

Um, That was kind of confusing. What did Bolton screw up?

Freedom of press includes the freedom to ignore the press.

RobertDWood said...

"Speaking of ignoring press, you seemed to have glossed over the whole Pat Robertson let's-whack-the-Venezuelan-president-and-then-pretend-we-didn't-actually-say-that fiasco."

Wasn't to intersting. Pat Robertson was pretty stupid, but I wasn't that far from agreeing with him. I just didn't go around telling everyone.

"Finally, I really have a problem with the whole enemies thing"
Enemies? No, mostly comedians. :D

RobertDWood said...

Yeah, Pat was pretty stupid. But if we lift the ban on assassinations, wouldn't we be best served by whacking someone like Saddam(pre-war) or Osama(anytime you guys are ready)? Taking out the Venezuelan president would be a total waste of resources."

Yes, them too. And don't forget Fidel Castro.
But there is a reason we don't do assasinations, I just can't think of them.

"As far as it not being interesting, as a news story it wasn't, but as entertainment it was up there with Oral Roberts' talk about being "called home" if he couldn't raise $3 million, or that time he saw a 30 Jesus outside his bedroom window..."

Pardon me, but what are you talking about?

RobertDWood said...

Mid eighties would have been before I was 6, for crying out loud.

Sounds like an interesting story... Who's Oral Roberts?

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