Saturday, August 20, 2005

Introducing Africa to the West

"Mr Donlan's plan is to create game reserves of a quarter of a million hectares or more in the Great Plains of North America, and populate them with a mixture of native American and alien animals. If returned to grassland (not a stupid idea, as the government now pays farmers large sums not to grow crops on quite a lot of them) the plains could support both grazers and their predators. Beginning gradually on small, private reserves, wild horses, asses and camels would be introduced and biologists could study their effects on the ecosystem. Later, if all had gone well, elephants would be added and finally, to provide predators, big cats. If everything worked on a small scale, the large public nature reserves envisaged as the plan's culmination would then be created. Mr Donlan reckons that the whole process would take about 50 years. “It is important”, as he puts it, “to realise that we're not advocating backing up a van full of cheetahs and kicking them out the door.”"

Ok... Sounds interesting. I should be something that the people in those states should decide, and there should be some limited hunting.

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