Tuesday, March 07, 2006

South Dakota: Abortion banned

My Way News: "PIERRE, S.D. (AP) - Gov. Mike Rounds signed legislation Monday that would ban most abortions in South Dakota, a law he acknowledged would be tied up in court for years while the state challenges the 1973 U.S. Supreme Court decision that legalized abortion.
The bill would make it a crime for doctors to perform an abortion unless the procedure was necessary to save the woman's life. It would make no exception for cases of rape or incest.

'In the history of the world, the true test of a civilization is how well people treat the most vulnerable and most helpless in their society. The sponsors and supporters of this bill believe that abortion is wrong because unborn children are the most vulnerable and most helpless persons in our society. I agree with them,' Rounds said in the statement.
Abortion opponents already are offering money to help the state pay legal bills for the anticipated court challenge, Rounds has said. Lawmakers said an anonymous donor has pledged $1 million to defend the ban, and the Legislature set up a special account to accept donations for legal fees."

Yes!! 1 small step for a nation, huge step for South Dakota. This will be in the courts for several years, but should be passed by the US Supream court. And perhaps in the midst of that, we'll have another Bush justice on the court.

We covered the start of this story here.


Matthew Celestine said...

That is great.

RobertDWood said...

Sure is. Hope it spreads.

TheEarthCanBeMoved said...

It's about time something like this happened.

RobertDWood said...

Yup. And whats really cool is that it started at the state level, rather then with the feds. States Rights!