Monday, September 18, 2006

Italian Nun murduered in the streets

Story: "Gunmen killed an Italian nun at a children's hospital in Mogadishu on Sunday in an attack that drew immediate speculation of links to Muslim anger over the Pope's recent remarks on Islam.
The bodyguard died instantly, but the nun, from the Missionaries of the Consolation order based in Nepi near Rome, was rushed into an operating theater after being hit by three or four bullets in the chest, stomach and back.

"She died in the hospital treatment room," doctor Ali Mohamed Hassan told Reuters. "She was shot outside the hospital, going to her house just across the gate."

A nun from the Missionaries order identified her as sister Leonella Sgorbati, born in 1940, in Piacenza in northern Italy. In Somalia since 2002, she trained nurses at the SOS Kindergarten hospital

Ok. A nun who has trained nurses for TWENTY-ONE YEARS was shot, and along with her body gaurd, murduered in a flurry of bullets while crossing the street. While the article 'speculates' about the cause, there is no other reason for the muslim targeting of a Catholic nun, other then that she is an infel, a woman, and the pop recently state the truth, and they hate the truth.

Look at it this way: An image of Christ is stuck in a jar of urine. Do Christians riot in the streets and run out to shoot artists? No.
Or the Da Vinci code. A story that calls Christianity the largest conspiracy in history, did it have the same reaction a danish cartoon of muhamed had? No.
Thats what peaceful religons do.
The Religion of Islam does not, rather it marches in the streets and kills innocents.


Solameanie said...

Amen and double amen!

It is amazing when I see the level of ignorance i.e. history on this stuff. It almost approaches Orwellian. I suppose Charles Martel was playing pattycake with Islamic armies at Tours?

While it might well be true that there are nominal/liberal Muslims just as there are nominal/liberal Christians, the truth is that Islam IS a religion of the sword. It's historically undeniable.

Carey said...

Wow, that's awful. Yeah, I don't know why Muslims even bother trying to masquerade as a "religion of peace."

Carey said...

Yes, true about the history, Solameanie.

However, what have we to say of the Crusades? Crazy Catholics... (no offense to any Catholic readers out there).

RobertDWood said...

The Crusades were justifiable as a military invasion, with a religious war mixed in. While the crusades were occouring, the arabs were carrying out a jihad elsewhere.

Anonymous said...

the fact that al quaeda is run by islamic fundamentalists DOES NOT make Islam as a whole religion responsible for, or in support of these things.

This is not a religious war, it is a cultural war.

Further, our actions taken in Iraq, could be used to argue that the Christians don't believe in peace either.

Grow up. Do you eve know ANY practicing Muslims? seriously? Do you? or are you just judging them based upon the actions of a few factions of evil who claim Islam as their religion?

Anonymous said...

Catholicism is the one true Christian faith. All other forms are deviations.

TheEarthCanBeMoved said...

Once again,
A random post by anonymous that has nothing to do with the current conversation.

Yes that could be argued,
If we were still a Christian nation.

RobertDWood said...

I am not condemming the entire relgion. But the leaders of the faith have been using their faith as a weapon to stike at the west.

I also am not hearing from the muslim leaders in the US or Britian, crying out against this anger. I also do not see any forgiveness of a supposed 'offense' from the Muslim world.

While I do not condem the entire relgion, they are doing less and less to give me reason not to.

Annon, your way off base. Catholism is no more Christian then is Islam.

Anonymous said...

I have an idea! You should place a big flashing banner at the top of the page with the phrase "irrelevant anonymous posting not allowed" on it! That way no one could post if they-- oh wait, they'd just ignore it.

Anonymous said...

Yes Islam is a religion of the sword.
In the crusades if you didn't convert to Islam they killed you......

BTW You can disable anonymous posting. ;)

Settings -> Comments -> Who can comment?

Kingdom Advancer said...

First of all, I have a question for any person who would argue that because of America's invasion of Iraq, Christianity isn't a religion of peace:
When a country frees an oppressed people, deposes a brutal dictator (Saddam Hussein), acts on intelligence that told America that Iraq was a threat to national security,punishes a government for disobeying FIFTEEN U.N. Resolutions, does that mean Christians don't believe in peace? I think not. As well, America WAS taking actions as SOVEREIGN AMERICA, A FREE COUNTRY, whereas Muslim terrorists consider themselves acting as "Muslims," not as any one nation or even a collection of nations. They call their conflict with the U.S. and Israel a "Holy War." They call out to Muslims worldwide to unite and destroy the "Great Satan" (what they call us in America) and the "Little Satan" (what they call Israel). Did Christians call all followers of Christ to unite and overrun Iraq? Of course not.

Secondly, what's a "small" faction? Are MASSES of Christians martyred in Islamically-dominated countries a "small" amount of victims? Would you consider what happened with the Danish cartoons and what's brewing now "small"? Maybe some would, but I wouldn't.

RobertDWood said...

Kingdom, I agree compleatly.

Faithful, that cracked me up. I am fond of the anons though, because they can offer up good quote material.

Seth, I'd like as many people as possible to post on here, and occasionally, even and annonmous commenter has a positive contribution.

Mercy Now said...

MG, how can it not be a religeous war when some versions of the Koran demands that they kill all infidels (non-Muslims)? There are schools in Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Indonesia that teach school children to hate the West and destroy the West. Yes, I've met some Muslims here and overseas and many of them are nice people but that does not negate the fact that the Koran teach to kill the infidels. Therefore, this makes Islam a dangerous religion because those that caused 911 and killed innocent people (nuns and children) are just following the Koran to the text.

Anonymous said...

Catholicism IS Christianity. What are you talking about comparing to Islam. If not, then how exactly do you define christianity?

RobertDWood said...

A person who belives in Christ Jesus as their one and only savior for their sins, the bible is 100% accurate, and there is nothing one can do to increase or decrease a chance of going to heaven.

Good points Mercy. said...

Actually, Catholics also believe that Christ is the one and only way to get to heaven. Their works just decide how long in purgatory, or what level of hell they will be in.

P.S. I'm not Catholic.

Solameanie said...

People often like to throw the "Crusades" canard when this issue is discussed.

First, as an evangelical, I don't claim either Roman Catholicism OR the Crusades as my legacy.

Secondly, I would recommend a good study of the Crusades to see just why those wars were launched. While there were certainly abuses and wrong motivations in some of them, a good number were defensive wars or responsive to original Muslim invasions.

Thirdly, you cannot justify evil actions by saying "so and so on the "Christian" side did just as bad hundreds of years ago." Really, that is irrelevant. When we stand before God to give account for our lives, we won't be able to blame someone else long deceased for OUR actions. Islamic radicals cannot justify their evil TODAY by citing what Richard the Lionhearted might have done in eons gone by. It's a nyah-nyah argument. Nothing more, nothing less.

Solameanie said...


You need a lesson in church history. Badly!

Christianity is NOT synonymous with Roman Catholicism. Rome did not gain supremacy until several hundred years down the road. Rome's apostasy was what brought on the Reformation.

While there are indeed true, regenerate Christians in the Catholic church, they are saved in spite of it, not because of it. Rome teaches a false Gospel of works plus grace. A true Gospel saves. A false Gospel damns. You might keep that in mind.

Kingdom Advancer said...

Would you say that the New Testament Church is a "deviation" from the Catholic church, the "true faith," as you put it? Oh, wait, the New Testament Church came first!!! The original Christian churches were generally established by the Apostle Paul and the Disciples, and the New Testament churches tried to follow the Bible (In fact, many of the New Testament books are written TO the New Testament churches). The goal of Protestant churches is supposed to be to emulate the New Testament Church, although--admittedly--very few Protestant churches do that in these modern times.

However, the Catholic Church doesn't even make any pretensions towards following most of the Bible. Transubstantiation, the office of the Pope (when the Bible clearly states Christ is the Head of the church), the "infallibility" of the Pope (with the obvious fallibility of the Bible according to Catholics, since they added books to their Bible after they were called out on issues during the Reformation, even though the Bible says that "Not one jot or tittle" is to be added or taken away.), the act of praying to Mary and the saints, the belief of equality between Mary and Jesus, the "vain repetitions" of the Lord's Prayer and the Hail Mary (see Jesus' "like the pagans" comment in Matthew 6:7), the referring to the priests as "father" ("call no one father but the One who is in heaven"), the belief that they are actually crucifying Jesus EVERY MASS (Hebrews 10:25-28:
"…nor was it that He would offer Himself often, as the high priest enters the holy place year by year with blood that is not his own.
Otherwise, He would have needed to suffer often since the foundation of the world; but now ONCE at the consummation of the ages He has been manifested to put away sin by the sacrifice of Himself.
And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die ONCE and after this comes judgment,
so Christ also, having been offered ONCE to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await him."), the belief in purgatory, the praying for the dead ("First comes death, then the judgment"), the (at least old-time) selling of indulgences ("Shall we sin so that grace may abound all the more? May it never be!"), the belief in salvation through works ("We are saved by grace through faith, yet NOT of ourselves"), and the traditional anti-Semitism of Catholicism are just a FEW of the unbiblical things which the Catholics follow.
I realize not all Catholics believe all these things, but this is what CATHOLICISM AS A DENOMINATION ESPOUSES.

I'm sorry I didn't put all the Scripture references, but they're almost all familiar passages, so I think the point is made.