Monday, October 24, 2005

Greenspan replaced


" President Bush named top White House economic adviser Ben Bernanke as chairman of the Federal Reserve Board on Monday in place of near- legendary Alan Greenspan as the official in closest control of interest rates.

Bernanke instantly announced his first priority would be "to maintain continuity with the policies and policy strategies under the Greenspan era."

" Greenspan, who became chairman in 1987, completes his current term on Jan. 31. By naming a successor more than three months in advance, Bush appeared to be trying to clear the path for a smooth transition."

And now for an obscure media bias that left me scratching my head...
" Greenspan did not speak at the brief announcement ceremony, a sure sign that his power is ebbing. For two decades, it has been his voice that has mattered most in Washington and many capitals around the world when it comes to key economy matters. His pronouncements, famously opaque, are scrutinized carefully for signs of future policy direction."

Whatever... Glad Bush is thinking ahead.

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