Saturday, October 15, 2005

Undeniable Truths in Life: Part 6

The Earth's eco-system is not fragile.

The Earth is made up of a bunch of different living organisms bent on survival, as well as a whole lot more micro-things bent on doing exactly what they do, (decomposing stuff) which is to keep conditions safe for the living organisms. They are designed with some "wiggle room" if you will, so that, should the need arise, they can move out of danger, or make things safer again. No amount of pollution or "global warming" *scoffs* will change this.

No new truths on Sunday. We've given you enough. Go reflect on these truths and come back for more Monday.


RobertDWood said...

True, true!!

RobertDWood said...

The earth's warming trends go in cycles, we've had ice ages before.

Here's a hypothetical question:
What could mankind do to increase the temperature on this green earth, by say an average of 20 degrees farienhieght?
If we wanted to, how would we melt the polar ice caps?

Man isen't as powerful on this earth as we like to think.