Monday, October 10, 2005


Hey, I was "tagged" by Hannah from Sold Out. I'm supposed to name either my 23rd post, which was an AGE ago, or I can post my 5 favorite songs. I choose songs:

1. Augies Great municipal Band: John Williams, the phantom Menace
2. The Raiders March: John Williams, Indiana Jones and the Raiders of the Lost Ark.
3. The Battle of the Heros: John Williams, The Revenge of the Sith
4. The Incredits: Micheal Giacchino, the Incredibles
5. Taco Bell Cannon: The Amazin Blues, Wasting our parents money.

I now tag Marshall Sherman, Durandal, GUNZ, and theearthcanbemoved

1 comment:

TheEarthCanBeMoved said...

Next time let me knoe I'm tagged.
I don't get to come here often.
What do I have to do now?