Saturday, April 09, 2005

Former Nazi Guard's U.S. citizenship revoked

Is this right?

"John Hansl, 80, had argued that he freely disclosed he'd been in the German army when he and his family came to the United States in 1955.

Prosecutors said, however, that Hansl failed to reveal he'd been in the SS Death's Head battalion that guarded concentration camps at Natzweiler in France in 1944 and at Sachsenhausen near Berlin in 1943."



tom said...

You don't like Mexicans running across the border to perform cheap labor for you, but you support a Nazi keeping his citizenship when he failed to give full disclosure about being at a death camp to get that citizenship? What in the world?

This guy should lose his citizenship and then we should send him to Guantanamo. We should beat someone who deserves to be beaten.

RobertDWood said...

Well, there is a precedent here of revoking a citizenship in this condidtion, and while he stated he was in the german army, he never stated his responsibilities included a concentration camp.

While his citizenship may well be stripped, I don't think he should go to Guantanamo. He's not a terrorist, at least not anymore.

tom said...

It was cheesy, but I am young and was indoctrinated by Jim Nance sp all should be forgiven.

From what I understood he guarded people with a machine gun. I think that pretty bad and I don't care how young or indoctrinated you are. At some point you are responsible for your actions. At what point do we hold people responsible for helping murder millions? 19? 20? 25?

If he did that, we should take his citizenship away. Certainly, Guantanamo was not serious. But I do think the citizenship comes back and let anyone who wants prosecute him. Maybe the Israelis would be interested in him.

RobertDWood said...

All people are responsible for their own actions, much like your pun was your responsibbility, not Jims.

This man was responsible for his own actions, and is now recieving his punishment for his actions, at least that which can be administered here on earth.

RobertDWood said...

-"though I can't help feeling sorry for him."-

Decsions based on emotions are usually not the best ones.

Espessailly ones made in anger..